If there’s one thing I love about best mans speeches, it is the jokes that make any speech enjoyable. You can bring the house down with few jokes. Weddings are such a joyous occasion. Make it more alive by injecting few jokes in your best man speeches. However there are certain limitations in using jokes in best mans speeches. Here are some guidelines on how to use humor in best mans speeches:1) No private joke pleaseAvoid telling private jokes that only few people can relate to. It is impolite to the guests. Not only that you’ll alienate the guests but you’ll also make some of the guest curious. You may not be ready to discuss the history of those private jokes.2) Don’t make green jokesConsider that there are children in the wedding. You don’t want to make some issue with the parents of those children. Although it may be tempting to tease the newlywed, you should reserve those kinds of jokes in the locker room.3) Don’t embarrass the newlywedDon’t make the mistake of making the groom regret why he chose you to be the best man. Your primary purpose is to pay tribute to the couple and not to be funniest man alive. Your jokes should not be at the expense of the couple.4) Tell jokes that are newIf you’re going to tell jokes, make sure that it is not something most people already knew. Search for fresh materials for your jokes. All too often that best mans speeches tell the same kind of jokes over and over again. If you’re going to tell a joke, ensure that not even a five year old child knows the punch line.